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Waste Audit 101: How Can Gegan Help Identify Opportunities for Waste Reduction?

1 min read

the earth surrounding by shredded paper

You may be having a flick through our website and wondering if we’re just another waste disposal company with a sprinkle of green branding to make us look like we care about the earth. Spoiler alert – we actually do give a sh*t.  

The majority of waste hauliers are only interested in getting your waste and sodding off with it, often to who knows where. It’s often nowhere ethical. At Gegan, we not only use sustainable methods to collect and dispose of your waste, but we also work with you to look at ways your business can reduce its overall waste output.  

Not only is this a win for your pocket, but it’s also a win for our planet. So, how do we help you to find opportunities for waste reduction?    

What are waste audits?  

Before we can begin finding ways to reduce your waste, we need to establish how much waste your business is actually producing. Unlike other companies, we don’t just chuck a handful of vague waste reduction solutions at you; we thoroughly assess your business to find the problem areas and the right solutions.  

To do this, we collaborate directly with you to gather accurate information about your operations, including data on locations, expenses, and carbon emissions from both a footprint and commercial perspective. We ensure data accuracy throughout this process; there’s no falsifying information or rounding up figures here.  

You can be sure that no corners are cut, with over 120 different reports that encompass various aspects such as carbon footprint, carbon miles, and insights into the disposal side of waste management. We even get onsite to carry out our audits – how many waste disposal companies can you say care enough to do that? 

Through these reports, businesses gain full visibility into their waste management practices, allowing us to offer the best solutions and highlight any of those dreaded hotspots.  

Hotspots? Tell me more. 

Hotspots represent areas where waste is generated at higher volumes or with greater environmental impact. By analysing these hotspots, we can establish why they’re hotspots and take action to reduce waste and save your business money. 

Whilst hotspots will obviously vary from business to business, common examples include packaging and product disposal, excessive energy consumption, inefficient use of resources, and improper waste segregation. 

Okay, so how do I take action? 

Identifying waste reduction opportunities is just the first step, the real challenge lies in implementing effective strategies that lead to real results. With our guidance, businesses can develop and implement waste reduction initiatives, seamlessly integrating sustainable practices into their operations.  

At Gegan, you will get a dedicated account manager who will learn your business inside out and be able to recommend the best solutions for your business. We’re innovative too, we don’t just stop at recycling, we look at how we can put waste to good use and encourage a circular economy. For example, when it comes to food waste, we source local anaerobic digestion facilities, bio-diesel refineries and animal feed specialists, ensuring that your waste does something beneficial for the planet. 

Plus, we’re 100% transparent, which means we can actually tell you where your waste went and how it was disposed of. This in turn means you can be transparent with your customers, boosting your businesses green credentials and even seeing an increase in customers who value eco-friendly businesses. 

How will I know it’s working? 

To gauge the effectiveness of waste reduction initiatives, it is essential to measure and track progress consistently. Gegan provides businesses with the tools and resources necessary to monitor their waste reduction efforts.  

Remember that account manager we mentioned earlier? You can check in with them regularly, whether that’s to talk about progress, discuss changing needs or find out about new waste management solutions that we have available. We believe in forming long lasting relationships with our clients, ensuring that we help them to help the planet. 

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We'll take away the stress of managing your waste management and recycling, giving you back the time to focus on running your business.

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